Cleft Palate
Wichita, KS
Cleft Palate Info provided by Dr. Healy , Dr. Martin , and Dr. White in Wichita, KS at Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry

Giving birth to a baby with this condition can be heartbreaking. The professionals here at Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry can fix a cleft palate, or cleft lip, through a series of facial restoration techniques. A baby born with this kind of condition can live a normal life with minimal residual effects provided they undergo corrective measures at an early age.
Risk Factors Involved for Cleft Palate
There are many factors associated with the occurrence of a baby developing this type of condition. Understanding the risk factors will allow you to determine the likelihood of it appearing somewhere along the line. One of the few things that help you determine the possibilities of giving birth to a baby with this type of condition is by looking at your family history.
Having a blood relative with a cleft palate or cleft lip increases your risk of giving birth to a baby with the same condition. Obesity, having diabetes, and exposure to substances like nicotine, alcohol, and some medications increases the chances of delivering a baby with a cleft palate. A pre-diabetic condition and obesity during the early stages of pregnancy are also considered a risk factor for having an underdeveloped palate among children.
Health Problems Associated With Cleft Palate
Several health problems arise due to the appearance of cleft palate among children. One of the most visible issues is feeding complications. A child with this type of abnormality finds it challenging to eat food as solid and liquid-based food can quickly get into the nostrils.
It also contributes to bigger problems such as swallowing lots of air, regurgitated food reaching the nostrils, and bottle or breastfeeding problems. Children with a cleft palate are also vulnerable to developing dental problems. They normally suffer from dental issues, including missing teeth, supernumerary teeth (the development of extra teeth), small teeth, and crooked or misaligned teeth.
Most children with a cleft lip or palate also suffer from gum and alveolar ridge defects because they have not fused during fetal development. This leads to a series of dental problems, including ridge defects, and hampers the formation of permanent teeth.
A cleft palate also makes it hard to pronounce words and even children who have undergone surgical repair find it hard to speak certain words properly. Their voices tend to gravitate to a hypernasal tone, sounding more like the child is talking through their nose. The reason behind this is because the palate has not developed the ability to move and air seeps through the nose.
Cleft Palate Treatment
Working closely with a qualified team like ours, a child with this type of condition can undergo corrective surgery as early as 9 to 12 months old. Our surgical and dental surgeons can reconstruct the tissues located within the cleft and connect the muscle tissues of the palate. Several surgeries to correct the facial structure of the growing child also need to be done over time.
FAQ's About Cleft Palate
What is a cleft palate?
A cleft palate is a congenital condition where there is an opening or split in the roof of the mouth. This occurs when the tissue doesn't fuse together during pregnancy, leading to a gap that can affect eating, speaking, and ear health.
How is a cleft palate diagnosed?
A cleft palate is usually diagnosed at birth during a physical examination. In some cases, it can be detected before birth through an ultrasound. If the cleft is not visible, further examinations such as imaging tests may be necessary.
What are the common symptoms of a cleft palate?
Common symptoms of a cleft palate include difficulty feeding, nasal sounding speech, chronic ear infections, and difficulty with hearing. Children with a cleft palate may also experience dental issues such as missing or displaced teeth.
Can a cleft palate be treated with surgery?
Yes, a cleft palate can be treated with surgery. Surgical repair usually takes place within the first 12 to 18 months of a child's life. Multiple surgeries may be necessary to improve function and appearance as the child grows.
How can a pediatric dentist help with a cleft palate?
A pediatric dentist plays a crucial role in managing dental health for children with a cleft palate. They monitor the development of the teeth and jaw, provide specialized dental care, and work closely with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care.
What dental issues are associated with cleft palate?
Children with a cleft palate often face dental issues such as missing, extra, malformed, or displaced teeth. There can also be problems with bite alignment, which may require orthodontic treatment to correct.
Are there any non-surgical treatments for cleft palate?
Non-surgical treatments for cleft palate include speech therapy, specialized feeding techniques, and the use of dental appliances to help with feeding and speech development. These treatments are often used in conjunction with surgical interventions.
What kind of support can families expect when dealing with a cleft palate diagnosis?
Families can expect support from a multidisciplinary team, including pediatricians, surgeons, dentists, speech therapists, and social workers. This team works together to provide comprehensive care and support throughout the treatment process.
How does a cleft palate affect speech development?
A cleft palate can significantly affect speech development. Children may have trouble producing certain sounds and may develop a nasal tone. Speech therapy is often required to help children improve their speech clarity and communication skills.
Can children with a cleft palate lead normal lives?
Yes, with proper treatment and support, children with a cleft palate can lead normal, healthy lives. Early intervention, surgical repair, and ongoing medical and dental care are essential in helping them achieve their full potential.
What is the role of orthodontics in the treatment of cleft palate?
Orthodontics plays a crucial role in the treatment of cleft palate by addressing issues with bite alignment, tooth positioning, and jaw development. Orthodontic treatment often begins in early childhood and continues into adolescence to ensure proper dental function and aesthetics.
Call us in Wichita, KS for More Information
If you want to know more about cleft palates or would like to see how we can help, contact Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry at (316) 202-9629 today.