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What to Do About Your Kid Grinding Their Teeth

Posted on 12/5/2022 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
What to Do About Your Kid Grinding Their TeethTeeth grinding or bruxism is a common problem that affects many people. Many children grind their teeth, and it may be a phase that they will outgrow. However, some children continue to grind their teeth into adulthood. It can pose a problem and thus should be treated in the early stages.

Causes of Teeth Grinding in Children

There are several potential causes of teeth grinding in children, such as stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders. One common cause is bruxism, which occurs when the child grinds their teeth together subconsciously, resulting in chipping, flattening, or discomfort. Other possible reasons for tooth grinding include physical trauma to the mouth, muscle and joint function issues, or mental health issues such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although the exact causes can vary considerably from child to child, it is essential to address any issues with teeth grinding as soon as possible to prevent further complications and damage.

How To Treat Teeth Grinding in Kids?

The first step is to schedule regular dental appointments for your child. During these checkups, your dentist will be able to assess the extent of any tooth wear and suggest additional treatments as needed. These may include Mouth Guards or other protective devices to help minimize the grinding as your child sleeps. Additionally, you may also want to consider working with an alternative therapist, such as a counselor or psychologist, focusing on stress reduction techniques appropriate for children. Finally, you might also explore alternative therapies such as acupuncture or massage therapy, which could potentially help alleviate some of your child's stress and thereby reduce their tendency to grind their teeth at night. Overall, treating kids' teeth grinding requires a combination of interventions and strategies.

If you want to find the best way to treat your children's teeth grinding, please schedule an appointment with our dental office. We will help find the best possible treatment for your child.

Office hours

Mon–Thurs 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.


3933 N Maize Rd Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67101-9619


Habla Español


Office (316) 202-9629
Fax (316) 202-0141

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