Overlapping Teeth And Your Child's Self Confidence
Posted on 8/22/2022 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
Overlapping teeth can be a major problem when it comes to your child's oral health. There are numerous ways that overlapping teeth affect the well-being of your child. Some of these ways are psychological through affecting your child's self-confidence and others are physical.
Psychological Effects
Children are usually eager to learn and ask questions especially if they find something is going out of the norm. Therefore, if your kid has overlapping teeth, they may ask questions relating to the appearance of their teeth. Therefore, in connection to your child's self-esteem, your kid may highly likely refrain from smiling often because of the look of their teeth. Your child may not want to converse and interact with their peers for fear of facing insults or harassment because of their teeth. The level of your kid's social interactions also declines because of the level of embarrassment they feel.
Request an appointment with us at our Wichita pediatric dental practice, so we can discuss the best options for correcting your kid's smile. This will give them a boost in confidence during socializing and interacting times with their peers.
Difficulty In Chewing And Grinding
When overlapping teeth issues affect your child, they cannot cope with the associated discomfort that comes with it. This happens when your child may find it difficult to bite and chew their food properly. The overlapping of the teeth makes it difficult for the child to eat and sometimes may even go further to interfere with the appetite of your child.
When it is not carefully looked at, it may cause severe damage to the gums of your child.
Exposure To Pain And Gum Disease
Overlapping teeth may lead to gingivitis because of the failure of your child to brush or even floss their teeth properly. The gum disease causes severe pain to your child's gums.
It is important to address overlapping teeth immediately to reduce the level of exposure your kid may have to other oral diseases.
Contact our offices today to gain more information about the connection between overlapping teeth and your child's self-confidence and reducing their physical discomfort!
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