Posted on 11/22/2021 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
Orthodontics are an important part of dental care, especially for pediatric patients. Orthodontics is the field of dentistry focused on alignment concerns within the jaw and teeth. When most people think of orthodontics, they think of braces, which is one of the most well-known services offered by these dental professionals.
Orthodontics is important for both cosmetic and functional reasons. Having a properly aligned smile that is characterized by straight teeth can give your child added confidence, especially during their formative teenage years. In addition, teeth that are aligned and spaced properly are much easier to care for, which reduces your child's risk of various conditions such as gum disease.
While braces can be costly, they offer many benefits and will reduce the chances of needing costly repairs and treatments in the future. In addition, receiving regular orthodontic care can allow for earlier preventative treatments for your child, such as the use of a space maintainer in the event of premature tooth loss. Simple treatments like this are very effective at aiding in the proper development of your child's teeth and can even potentially help you avoid the use of braces in the future.
What Training Does an Orthodontist Receive?
As with other forms of specialized dental care, becoming a certified orthodontist involves additional training and education. Our professionals attend a four-year dental school to obtain their doctorate. After this process is complete, they have to apply for and be accepted to a residency program that is targeted at specific orthodontic treatments.
The residency program lasts several years and is culminated by additional testing that allows them to demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary skills to perform the duties of an orthodontist. If you would like to learn more about the services that our orthodontists can provide for your child or are ready to schedule an appointment, call our office today.
Blog - Wichita, KS • Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry At Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Healy created this informative blog to assist with educating the community about various topics of pediatric dentistry. Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, 3933 N. Maize Road, Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67101 \ (316) 202-9629 \ \ 2/15/2025 \ Related Phrases: Pediatric Dentist Wichita KS \