Easy Foods Your Child Can Eat with Loose or Missing Teeth
Posted on 2/8/2021 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
Losing baby teeth is a great experience for both parents and their child, as it marks a major milestone in a child's life. A loose tooth may take up to two weeks to come out, and your child will have to stay with a missing tooth for some time before their permanent teeth grow. While this experience is exciting, it can also be stressful as far as eating is concerned. To ensure your child is comfortable during this period, you need to adjust their diet to ensure they are comfortable. Among the food options you can give your child, be sure to include soft foods and crunchy vegetables.
Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are an ideal food option when your child has a loose tooth. These foods are rich in vitamins, fiber, and other healthy nutrients. In addition to their nutritional value, crunchy vegetables, and fruits such as carrots, cucumbers, and apples will aid in pulling your child's teeth. At Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, we usually recommend whole vegetables, rather than sliced, for your child to bite directly into them and pull out the loose tooth.
Soft Foods
While some kids are comfortable eating crunchy foods when they have loose teeth, others may find this uncomfortable and painful. You should provide your child with soft foods such as smoothies and yogurt in such a case. After tooth extraction also, you should continue giving your child soft foods for faster healing to avoid interfering with the clot. However, you can resume a normal diet after a day or two. While giving your child soft foods, ensure you supply them with balanced food portions to promote faster healing and healthy teeth. Also, ensure your child continues practicing good oral health during this period to keep their teeth healthy. For more details on how to adjust your child's diet when they have loose or missing teeth, contact us today.
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