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Should You Cover Your Toothbrush After You Use It?

Posted on 10/5/2020 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
Should You Cover Your Toothbrush After You Use It?When you are making efforts to maintain a healthy mouth, it is also important to maintain a healthy toothbrush. Authorities in dental care, such as the American Dental Association recommend replacing your old toothbrush with a new one every three to four months. But what do you do to keep your toothbrush clean in the meantime? You might think you should cover your toothbrush after you use it. On the surface, that tactic makes sense. However, it is not a good idea, and here is why.

Why You Should Not Cover Your Toothbrush After You Use It

Although it might seem like a good idea, covering your toothbrush after use can result in a breeding ground of germs. Consider bacteria; it thrives in moist environments. That is why we brush our teeth in the first place because we are cleansing out bacteria that live in the moisture-rich environment of our mouths.
After you use your toothbrush, it is damp. So, covering it or wrapping it seals in that moisture. This gives the bacteria lingering on your brush bristles the perfect opportunity to live, grow and fester. As a result, that same toothbrush you covered is loaded with unhealthy bacteria the next time you use it.

Sometimes you might want to cover your toothbrush like in instances of travel to keep it from other items in your travel bag. If you must cover your toothbrush, be sure it is totally dry before wrapping or covering it. This is safe because a dry toothbrush when covered will not encourage the growth of bacteria in a moist environment.

If you have any questions about how and why you should cover your toothbrush after you use it, please give our caring dental staff a call. We are here to help you with all your oral care needs and will be happy to answer any questions you have about proper oral and toothbrush maintenance.

Office hours

Mon–Thurs 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.


3933 N Maize Rd Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67101-9619


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Office (316) 202-9629
Fax (316) 202-0141

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