Signs Your Child May Have a Tongue Thrusting Problem
Posted on 9/21/2020 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
Watching the development of your baby is not only related to their bodily health. Checking for signs of proper dental development is just as important. One problem you may not be aware of is a condition called tongue thrusting. Tongue thrusting is a condition where a child pushes their tongue forward in the mouth.
Tongue thrusting can cause many problems as a baby develops. One of these problems is poor swallowing, which can make it hard for your baby to eat. Another problem that tongue thrusting causes is an increased chance of allergies and speech problems. Tongue thrusting is normal for younger babies who are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. However, as they age and start eating solid food, tongue thrusting should go away.
How to Spot Abnormal Tongue Thrusting
One of the most common symptoms of tongue thrusting is seeing the tongue between the upper and lower teeth. When your baby's tongue is between their teeth, they may have difficulty speaking and eating solid food. Another sign of tongue thrusting is mouth breathing. If your child breathes through their mouth even if they don't have clogged sinuses, they may be experiencing tongue thrusting. More advanced signs of tongue thrusting include the inability to close the mouth completely, a misaligned bite, and speech impediments.
If your child has trouble with tongue thrusting, it's important to seek help. Tongue thrusting may make it more difficult for your child to live a normal life. Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry is here to help you. We can help your child with their tongue thrusting problem or check to see if they have a tongue thrusting issue.
Please give our office a call at (316) 202-9629 to set up an appointment today. While you're here, we can talk about dentistry for kids, and other ways to keep your child's oral health in tip-top shape.
Blog - Wichita, KS • Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry At Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Healy created this informative blog to assist with educating the community about various topics of pediatric dentistry. Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, 3933 N. Maize Road, Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67101 • (316) 202-9629 • • 2/18/2025 • Related Terms: Pediatric Dentist Wichita KS •