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How to Help Your Child Following an Avulsed Tooth

Posted on 8/24/2020 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
How to Help Your Child Following an Avulsed ToothOne of the most serious dental emergencies for teeth is having one knocked out. We refer to this as an avulsed tooth. While it may seem like a traumatic, end of the line situation for the tooth, the damage can often be fixed if you are quick to action. Depending on the situation and how quickly you can get to us, there's a very good chance we can save the tooth.

What to Do if a Tooth is Knocked Out

If your child has a tooth knocked out, you need to act quickly. The nerves, blood vessels, tissue and bone can be damaged as well as the tooth. While the tooth can be saved, unfortunately the nerves and blood vessels cannot be repaired, and the tooth will need a root canal. The bone will reattach to the root of the tooth once it's put back into place.

The most important thing is to get to our office as quickly as possible after your child has a tooth knocked out. Be careful to handle the avulsed tooth gently, avoiding touching the root of the tooth if at all possible. The part of the tooth that is under the gum line can be damaged easily. If the tooth is dirty, you can hold it by the crown (upper part of the tooth that we see daily) and rinse the tooth with milk. Do not wipe the tooth with a washcloth or any fabric. This will damage the root.

Keep the tooth moist by placing it in a container with milk. If this is not possible, place the tooth in your mouth between the cheek and gum. Or collect a small container of saliva from your child and put the tooth in with the saliva.

Most importantly, get to the dentist as soon as possible. Call us immediately and let us know you're on the way and what has happened. We will do our best to save the tooth.

Office hours

Mon–Thurs 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.


3933 N Maize Rd Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67101-9619


Habla Español


Office (316) 202-9629
Fax (316) 202-0141

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