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The Reason for Making Sure Your Child Does Not Swallow Toothpaste

Posted on 7/23/2020 by Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry
The Reason for Making Sure Your Child Does Not Swallow ToothpasteYoung children can sometimes have difficulty when it comes to brushing their teeth and spitting out the toothpaste. While swallowing tiny amounts of fluoridated toothpaste is not harmful, our Wichita staff and the American Dental Association advise against ingesting too much of it as it can lead to stomach pain and even intestinal blockage.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Choosing a toothpaste that is fluoridated is important for your child's growth and oral development. The fluoride strengthens the enamel in the teeth, making them stronger and healthier. This means that there is less of a chance that things like plaque, tartar build up, food debris, and bacteria will eat through the enamel of the teeth resulting in cavities and decay. We recommend choosing a toothpaste that has fluoride for these very reasons.

As your child is still mastering the skill of brushing and spitting without swallowing the toothpaste, it is important to remember to apply an appropriate amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush. Children under the age of 6 only need a smear of toothpaste to brush effectively. After age 6, your child should be able to properly brush twice daily and spit out the toothpaste without consuming any. At this point, you may increase the amount of toothpaste from a smear to a small pea sized amount.

Too much fluoride in the blood can actually cause damage to the developing teeth, not to mention the stomach aches, discomfort and sometimes even vomiting. Keep in mind that your child would have to ingest a significant amount of fluoridated toothpaste to actually cause any serious risk. When used properly, toothpaste is very unlikely to cause any problems with your child's health.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call our office right away at (316) 202-9629 and visit with our dentists.

Office hours

Mon–Thurs 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.


3933 N Maize Rd Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67101-9619


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Office (316) 202-9629
Fax (316) 202-0141

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Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, 3933 N. Maize Road, Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67101; (316) 202-9629;; 2/18/2025; Page Phrases: Pediatric Dentist Wichita KS;