What Is The Most Common Dental Problem In Children?
Posted on 11/15/2023 by Weo Admin
There are so many things you have to worry about as a parent of a young child. You worry about their growth and development. You worry because they haven't figured out how to match their shirts and shorts or skirts. You worry because they want to wear the same dress every day. In the middle of all of these worries, you may be worried about their dental hygiene as well. The most common problem in children is an easy problem to both diagnose and fix.
Tooth Decay
Children suffer from tooth decay more than any other dental issue. In fact, over 90% of all children do not make it to adulthood without at least one cavity. It is easy to understand why children get tooth decay. Parents may not start worrying about dental hygiene until the child is school age, which means that their mouth maybe five years old before the child has a first dental visit. Children also have difficulty brushing and flossing, which can cause cavities to form in areas they miss. Also, many children like sugary sweet snacks that encourage bacterial growth that causes cavities.
What You Can Do About Tooth Decay
You can help your child have a great, healthy smile. First, take them to visit the dentist twice a year as soon as they get their first tooth or by the age of one. That way, a dentist can check their mouths for any issues very early in their tooth development. Second, begin teaching your child healthy dental hygiene early. Let them watch you brush and floss your teeth each day so that they understand this is a normal part of a daily routine. Third, limit their sugar intake. You don't have to mandate they never eat sugar, but you can save it for special occasions, such as birthdays or a treat on the weekend. Instead, offer them healthy snack choices, such as fruit. By following simple guidelines, you are setting your child up for a great healthy smile!
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